The Coppe/UFRJ Business Incubator announced that five new companies have joined and it houses now a total of 28 resident startups. The companies were selected in a tender launched in February, 2017 and will be incubated for a period of three years, which could be extended for two years. The companies will have access to physical and technological infrastructure as well as to training and consulting on the feasibility of their businesses. The selected startups were: Green Ant (solutions for the management of electrical energy); USSV (development of autonomous vessels for offshore, hydroelectric, research and defense industries); Laboratório de Longevidade (Longevity Laboratory; a platform that helps managers deal with challenges of longevity); WESPA (an intelligent system for monitoring and security), and Peça Preço (a platform that connects vehicle maintenance and servicing to available services by means of a device installed in the cars).