Transparent Park
With the goal of making all of its activities transparent, the UFRJ Science Park gathers on this page documents (original versions, in Portuguese) and information that back and guide its operation.
Biotechnology Center
From February 1st 2019, the Biotechnology Center started to be administered by the Science Park, in a transition regime. This way, the companies in the area started to have access to some operational services and to the activities of interaction with the University. The Biotechnology Center page contains the documents and information regarding the 24 companies and institutions that are a part of this ongoing process.
Decree – Biotechnology Center Management
Biotechnology Center – Transition process


Committee for the Evaluation of Applications by New Companies

Consultant Committee of Architecture and Urban Planning

Committee for Managing Articulations

Committee for Performance Tracking
Open Calls
Board Decision - Procedure to join Rede Rio
Board Decision – Procedure to subscribe to the services of the Park for companies and associated non-resident institutions
Creation process and regulations
These are the documents that rule the creation and functioning of the UFRJ Science Park as decided by Consuni (University Council of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro).
Creation Process of the UFRJ Science Park
Creation process of the UFRJ Science Park – Consuni approval
Operational regulations of UFRJ Science Park
Regulations on the Use of Soil
Support Policy and Sponsoring of the Park
Sustainability Policy of the Park
Agreement of technical collaboration – Coppetec Foundation
Agreements and other partnerships
Agreements made with partner institutions in order to stimulate technological development and the interaction with other research and innovation environments.
Memorandum of Understanding signed with Porto Digital and Tecnopuc
Cooperation agreement with TusPark
Technical Collaboration Agreement Telefônica
First Supplement – Technical Collaboration Agreement
Second Supplement Technical Collaboration Agreement Telefônica
Memorandum of Understanding – Eastern Oklahoma County Partnership
Legal framework
Law for Support Foundations (Lei das Fundações de apoio)
Purchasing rules for Foundations (Regime Diferenciado de Compras das Fundações)
Bidding Law
The UFRJ Science Park has received the Self-Audit Certificate. This certificate is granted to institutions that have implemented management systems conforming to the international norms of management and to the Coppe/UFRJ Self-Audit standard. Coppe-Q was responsible for issuing the certificate based on the ISO standards grouped as follows: NBR ISO 9001:2015 (quality), NBR ISO 14001:2015 (environmental standards), BS OHSAS 18001:2007 (security and health at work).
Access to information - Procedure
You can request other documents and information that have not been included here on the UFRJ site.