Special Projects are initiatives that promote interdisciplinary interactions between different areas of UFRJ and the Park. They are created and/or supported by the Park.
Special Projects
Projects currently supported
Short Circuit Gallery of Public Art
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Course “Special Topics on Science and Culture in/and Society” (Tópicos Especiais em Ciência e Cultura e(m) Sociedade).
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Park Recycles
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UFRJ Challenges
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Sport Representation Program
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Research Fellowship Program for Middle Schools (Programa de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica para o Ensino Médio – PIBIC EM)
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Projects supported in the past
Research about the sociological profile of university students in Brazil
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Gilberto Velho Dissertation Prize
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Soccer Field of the Vila Residencial of UFRJ
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Participation in the Cannes Film Festival
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House of Science
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Art on campus
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Competition for Sustainable Solutions
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Activities developed by the Park
The Parque Verde (Green Park) Program
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Cultural and Gastronomic Fair
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Parque Sangue Bom
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Program for Audience Education
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The Environment Week
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The Social June outdoor festival (Arraiá Social)
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